Idioms with animal words
Hi guys❗ Today, the idiom lesson is related to 🦋 🐱 🐶 🐺 🐋. Do you know idioms with animals❓
In case you don't. I challenge you to guess the meaning of ❺ idioms mentioned in the following conversations, could you guess what each one means❓
Peter: Have you tell our mum about the 🎁.
Rose: Sorry❗ I was trying to keep it a secret but, when we were talking, I let the 🐱 out of the bag.
Sonja: What do you like the most about Charlie❓
Emma: I ❤️ that he's a social 🦋.
Mario: My 🐶 has eaten my 📄 this morning.
Teacher: Mario, you did say the same excuse last week. If you cry 🐺 too many times, eventually no-one will believe you.
Son: Bye mum❗
Charles: How was your holidays in the 🇺🇸❓
Johnny: I had a 🐋 of a ⏰. I visited many touristic places like the 🗽.
Did you guess the meanings of these idioms❓ Well; if you are 😕, don't 😟 don't 😢. Let's see their meanings 😉.
unintentionally tell a secret.
a person who feels quite
confortable in social situations, so that they
can interact with people in social events.
'cry wolf'
ask for help when someone do not
need it, so that people will not believe
them when they really need help.
need it, so that people will not believe
them when they really need help.
'rain cats a dogs'
rain very hard/heavily.
'have a whale of a time'
enjoy oneself; get pleasure from
a situation that we are in.
a situation that we are in.
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