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Showing posts from January, 2019


What are Chit-chats? I'm sure you've made  small talks , but maybe you've never known that those are also called chit-chats. They are informal short conversations about things that are not important. Small talks are usually made to 🔨 the 🔳. For example, the favourite topic used by 🇬🇧👨👩 in chit-chats is the 🌞☔💨🍃❄. Other topic 👨👩 talk about in small talks is 🏈🏀⚾, especially ⚽. It is your favourite one❓ I'd rather talk about 🎾 - you know I 💚 it. Which 🏈🏀⚾ do you usually talk about in chit-chats❓ The two previous topics are excellent for making small talks. Which topics do you think 👨👩 should avoid talking about❓ From my point of view, it is not a good  💭💡 talking about politics and ✝ ☪🕉🕎☯ . What do you think about it❓ #break 🔨 #ice 🔳 #Brits 🇬🇧 👨👩 #weather ☀☔💨🍃❄ #people 👨👩 #sports 🏈 🏀⚾ #football ⚽ #tennis 🎾 #idea 💭💡 #religion ✝☪🕉🕎☯ Practice makes perfect❗ Tell me, which is your favourite topic to talk

Confusing words

Holiday vs. Vacation Hi guys❗ I'm sure that you have ever heard these words, which sometimes are confused. Do you know what the difference between them is❓ If you don't know it, read the following ❷ conversations and try to guess. Good luck 🍀❗ 💬 Ross:  Do you and Mark have plans for summer  holidays ❓ Jane:   We're travelling to South America this long vacation. 💬 Mark:  Is Dr Watson here ❓ John:  Sorry, the doctor is on vacation in 🇫🇷 right now. Did you guess the difference between these nouns❓ Well; if you are 😕, don´t 😟 don´t 😢. Let´s see their uses 😉. Holiday This word has different meanings. Holiday can mean a period of ⏳ when 👨👩 are not at work or 🏫 in the 🇬🇧.       Do you have plans for the summer holidays?          ↳  ( summer / school / Christmas / e tc . )   holiday ( s )       This summer, Jane's going to get a holiday job.             ↳  holiday job In the 🇬🇧, 👨👩 say this noun to refer to a period of ⏳ sp