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Confusing words

Holiday vs. Vacation

Hi guys❗ I'm sure that you have ever heard these words, which sometimes are confused.

Do you know what the difference between them is❓ If you don't know it, read the followingconversations and try to guess. Good luck 🍀❗

Ross: Do you and Mark have plans for summer holidays
Jane: We're travelling to South America this long vacation.

Mark: Is Dr Watson here
John: Sorry, the doctor is on vacation in 🇫🇷 right now.

Did you guess the difference between these nouns❓ Well; if you are 😕, don´t 😟 don´t 😢. Let´s see their uses 😉.

This word has different meanings.
Holiday can mean a period of ⏳ when 👨👩 are not at work or 🏫 in the 🇬🇧.
      Do you have plans for the summer holidays?         ↳ (summer/school/Christmas/etc.) holiday(s)
      This summer, Jane's going to get a holiday job.
            ↳ holiday job
In the 🇬🇧, 👨👩 say this noun to refer to a period of ⏳ spent travelling or resting away from 🏡.
      We're going on holiday together this summer.
              ↳ go/be on holiday
Also, holiday is the way 👨👩 name a day when do not work to work or 🏫, especially because of a religious or national celebration.
    Yesterday was a holiday.
                            ↳ a holiday
Addionally, holiday is the ⏳ in December and January that includes 🎄, 🕎 and New Year 🎉.
      I wish you've had happy holidays.

Vacation is used to refer to one of the periods of ⏳ when offices, universities, etc. are closed in the 🇬🇧.
     We're travelling to South America this long vacation.
                                              long vacation
*🇬🇧 👨👩 say 'the long vacation' to mean summer holidays.
🇺🇸 English speakers also use this word to mean one of the periods of ⏳ when 🏫s, universities, etc are closed.
     Thomas is spending summer vacation with the lads in Miami.
                                             summer vacation
Moreover, in the 🇺🇸, 👨👩 say this noun to describe a period of ⏳ spent travelling or resting away from 🏡.
      Sorry, the doctor is on vacation in 🇫🇷 right now.
                                               on vacation

When you are talking about the regular periods of time when someone is not at work or school away from home, you say holiday(s) in British English while American people use the word vacation.
Another meaning of holiday, in the United States, is a day when offices, schools, banks, etc. are closed.
American English speakers say the holidays to refer to the time in December and January that includes Christmas, Hanukkah and New Year.
While, vacation is used by British people to describe one of the periods of time when universities are officially closed for the students.

Thanks for reading this post. I hope that everyone can understand this lesson 😀.

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Have a nice day❗


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