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Vocabulary ⚽

Football Positions

Hi guys As you know 11 footballers make up a ⚽ team. They are assigned to a specific position on the pitch; do you remember how they are called according to the position they played❓

In case you forget some of them, don't 😟; I'll remind you the main ⚽ positions.

Goalie /ˈɡəʊli
It is the informal way a goalkeeper is called. The footballer whose job is to try to stop the ball going into the goal.

Back /bæk/
A back is a player whose role is to intercept the attacking team's ball and make opportunities to pass the ball to their own team mates. They are also called defenders.

Midfielder /ˈmɪdfiːldə/
The members of a football team who plays in the middle part of the field in games. Their job is to gain possession of the ball and determine the direction of the play.

Forward /ˈfɔːwəd/
An attacking player on a team.

Striker /ˈstraɪkə/
A football player whose main job or skill is scoring goals.

Winger /ˈwɪŋə/
A footballer who plays mainly in the far right or far left side of the field in a football match.

Let's practise
Do you 💜 footie❓ Who is your favourite footballer❓ Is he a goalie, back/defender, winger, midfielder or forward❓

I hope that you enjoy this vocabulary lessonTell me in the 💬 if you 👍 it.
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