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Other ways to say


Hi guys❗ I've just realised I always greet you saying 'Hi'. Have you❓ Do you know other ways to say 👋❓

In the following conversations, you can find of them. Try to guess the differences between them.

Rose: Hello
Nick: HiHow are you
Rose: I'm content❗ I've passed the exam.
Nick: Congrats❗

Mum: Good afternoon. Would you like some lunch❓
Son  : Good afternoon, mumYes, please.

Axl: I'm Axl Donaldson
Ann: How do you do❓ I'm Ann Smith.

Did you guess the difference between the previous ways to say hello❓ Well; if you are 😕, don´t 😟. Let´s see their meanings and other ones' meanings 😉.

Hello, Hallo and Hullo
These are used as greetings when you meet someone, or when you start a telephone conversation. We say hello especially when we talking to people we do not know well, or to older people.
    Hello, Mrs Watson. How are you?

This, one of my favourites, is used as a friendly greeting when you meet somebody, start a telephone conversation, or at the begining of an informal email.
    Hi Matt! I haven't since you for ages.

Good Morning
This is a polite way to greet someone in the morning. Usually people say Morning to greet people in an informal way..
    Good morning, class.

Good Afternoon
It's something you say to greet somebody politely when you meet them in the afternoon. English speakers say Afternoon as a friendly way of greeting someone.
    Good Afternoon. Would you like some lunch?

Good Evening
It's a polite grreting used in the evening time. People use Evening to greet somebody whom they know well.
    Evening, friends. Where are you off to this evening?

How are you❓ ,   How are things  and   How is it going
These are informal expressions used when you are greeting someone and starting a conversation.
    How is it going, Jane? Long time no see you.

How do you do
This is a formal greeting for somebody that you have not met before. Use it the first time peolpe tell you their name.
    How do you do? I'm Ann Smith.

I'm sure you have your own particular way to say hello. So, I challenge you to use one of the others. Do you accept the challenge

I hope everyone has enjoyed this lesson. Tell me in the 💬 if you have any question or if you just want to say 👋.
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