Win vs. Earn
Hi guys❗ I'm sure that you have ever heard these words, which sometimes are confused.
Do you know what the difference between them is❓ If you don't know it, read the following ❷ conversations and try to guess. Good luck 🍀❗
Roger: Who won the men's final's at the Open❓
Sonja: Novak Djokovic.
Roger: He plays 🎾 very well.
Sonja: Owing it and his modesty, he's earned the respect of the fans and all the 🎾👨👩 .💬
Alex: This footballer earns a fortune.
John: Of course. He's won the support of many fans, so that some prestigious brands support him.
Did you guess the difference between these verbs❓ Well; if you are 😕, don´t 😟 don´t 😢. Let´s see their uses 😉.
This verb means to receive a particular amount of 💰 as payment for work that 👨👩 do.
This footballer earns a fortune.
↳ earnAlso, this verb can mean to get something that someone deserve.
He's earned the respect of the fans and all the players.
↳ earn (sth)
↳ earn (sth)
When 👨👩 win something, they achieve first position in a election, competition, etc., or they get a prize, such as 💰 or a 🏆, in a tournament, fight, etc.
Who won the men's final's at the Open?
↳ win
This verb can also mean to recieve the 👨👩's approval, loyalty or ❤️ because of your effort or abilities.
Who won the men's final's at the Open?
↳ win
This verb can also mean to recieve the 👨👩's approval, loyalty or ❤️ because of your effort or abilities.
He's won the support of many football fans.
↳ win (sth)
When you receive money as a payment for work, you earn it.
If you deverse something, you earn it. Due to this fact, you must use an object after this verb.
If you deverse something, you earn it. Due to this fact, you must use an object after this verb.
While, when people achieve first position in a competition, election, etc.; they win.
We say that something or 👨👩 win something positive if they earn it.
I hope that everyone can understand this lesson. Tell me in the 💬 if you enjoy it.
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