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Vocabulary ⏳

Telling the time

Hi guys❗ How are you

Today's lesson is about ⏳. So that I´ll ask you a question: Do you know how to tell the time❓ 

If you do, tell me what time it is in your country. In case you can't remember that, don't 😟. I'll remind you how to do it in the following paragraphs 👇.

When 👨👩 want to be told the time, they ask a question. Do you remember which phrase they use

If you answer the question saying 'What time is it❓', you're right 👍.

In case you are wondering how you might answer it, we use the expression 'It's ...' and after we tell the time. It seems to be a piece of cake 🍰, doesn't it❓ Let's see how to tell the time.

There are ways of doing it.

First way
The first one is saying the hour and the minutes.
Hour + minutes
Guys, could you tell me what time is it in the previous picture👆 -  Remember that the longer needle points the hour and the shorter one, the minutes.
Of course❗ It's ten ten. - Well done❗ 💯 👏
Now, when we want to say an exact hour 🕖, we say the hour and the adverb 'o'clok'.
For example:
     It's ten o'clock.

Second way
This is just a bit different.
For saying an exact hour 🕖, 👨👩 say the hour and 'o'clock', as in the first way. But when them want to say an inexact hour 🕢, we use a method.
Please, see the following picture 👇.
As you can 👀 in the picture, the minutes (writen in letters) on the left side of the ⏰ seems to be a reflection of the ones on the right side.Well, for telling the time, we have to say the minutes, the prepositions 'to' or 'past' and the hour.
Minutes + past / to + hour
Past 🆚 To
If the minute hand is pointing the minutes on the right side, use 'past'. While, if it is pointing the ones on the left side, use 'to'.
For example, in the previous picture, it's ten (munites) past ten.
🕕 Half past
Another difference between this and the first way of telling the time is that 👨👩 say 'half past' instead of 'thirty'.
Look at the next clock 👉 🕟.  What time is it❓ It's half past four.
It's not rocket 🚀 science, is it❓

Let's practise
Guys, read the question and look at each of the following ⏰s.

Now, answer the question.

Guys, it was as easy as 🔤, isn't it❓ Don't forget❗ Practice makes perfect❗

Thanks a ton for reading this post. I hope that you've enjoyed this vocabulary lesson.

Tell me in the 💬 if you enjoy it. In case you have any question related to this lesson, remember that you could send me a message using the contact form 📧.

If you want to know when a new lesson is available, subscribe 🔝 😀.

Have a nice day❗


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