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Confusing words

Rest vs. Break

Hi guys❗ I'm back after a fortnight break. How are you❓ I'm renewed after having a rest.
Do you know what the difference between these two nouns is❓ If you don't know it, read the following ❺ conversations and try to guess. Good luck 🍀❗

Doctor:  Take these 💊💊 and have a week's rest.

Laura: None. Do you have anything planned for the rest of the afternoon❓
Jacob: Nothing. Let's see a 🎬 .

Rose: How are your 👦👧
Kenya:  They are looking forward to the ⛄🎄 break.

TV Presenter: We'll back after a short break.

Dominic: Who's winning the 🎾 match❓
Roberto:  The 🇦🇷🎾👨. Diego must get another break to win it.

Did you guess the difference between these nouns❓ Well; if you are 😕, don´t 😟 don´t 😢. Let´s see their uses 😉.

It is used to mean a period of ⏳ in which 👨👧 relax, 😴, etc. - in other words, they do not do anything tiring.
      Take these pills and have a week's rest.
                  have/take (hours/days/weeks/etc.)'srest
Also, this means an object that supports the weight of another.
    I used a pile of books as a rest for my alarm clock.
                                            ↳ as a rest (for sth)
Additionally, 👨👩 use the expression 'at rest' to refer to the other things or 👨👧 that have not been mentioned.
      Do you have anything planned for the rest of the afternoon?
                                               the rest of day/

This noun have many and different meanings.
👨👧 use it to mean a period of ⏳ when they stop working in order to rest, eat, etc.
     Let's take a ten-minutes break.
                ↳ take a break
Break might be used to refer to a period of ⏳ away from work or a regular activity - in a few words, a holiday.
     They are looking forward to the Christmas break.
                 Christmas/summer/etc. break
Also, this word means the ⏳ during the 🏫 day for students to talk, play, have food or drink.
     Let's take a ten-minutes break.
                ↳ take a break
In addition, 👨👧 use it to mean a pause for advertisement during a 📺 or 📻 programme.
     We'll back after a short break.
                                  ↳ a break
     I'll make me a cup of tea in the next break.

                                               in the next break
Also, we can say break to mean a place where something has broken.
     There's a break in the 📐.
                 a break in sth
Moreover, when 👨👧 say this noun they may refer to an opportunity for improving a situation, especially one that happens unexpectedly.
     This outstanding tenor's big break came when he performed the main role in that opera.
                                           ↳ sb's break
In other context, it means a period of ⏳ when 👨/👧 leave 👨👧, end a relationship, or stop doing the way of doing something.
     Arthur never regret his break with the association.
                                           ↳ sb's break with sb
     John became a scultor. It was a break with family tradition.
                                                   ↳ sb's break with sth
In tennis, break means a game won by the 🎾 player who was not serving.
     Diego must get another break to win the match.
                 must get need a break (of serve)

Practice makes perfect.

Thanks for reading this post. I hope that everyone can understand this lesson 😀.

Tell me in the 💬 if you enjoy it.
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Have a nice day❗


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