With 'Light'
Hi guys❗ I'm sure that you've said this word many times. Do you use phrasal verbs with 'light'❓
To see or find something by chance or accident.
His eye lit upon a 🌠.
↳ light upon sth
Light up
1. To begin to smoke a 🚬.
As soon as Michael left the café, he lit up a 🚬.
↳ light up a cigarette
*Lit is the past participle tense of light.
2. To become or make something become bright with light or colour.
2. To become or make something become bright with light or colour.
In Peru, during an earthquake the whole sky lit up.
↳ sth light up
3. If 👨/👩's 👀 or face light up, or something lights them up, they show hapiness or excitement.
Her family 😄 lit up her face.
↳ light up sth
💭 Remember that practice makes perfect❗
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